Let’s Connect
I am JoHanna Chan and I would like to welcome you to The Healing Codes Circle.
I have been a certified Healing Codes Coach/Practitioner for over 18 years now. I have enjoyed the privilege of working with and helping hundreds of people from all walks of life in their Healing Codes journey, personally witnessing lives changed physically, emotionally, and relationally.
Also I have enjoyed hosting and participating in Dr. Alex Loyd’s weekly international program that is now entitled “All Lies Matter”. In the past it was “The Cutting Edge”, “Spiritual laws of nature”.

I have traveled and assisted Dr. Alex Loyd and Dr. Ben Johnson in lectures, seminars, and training. On a weekly basis, Wednesday at 11 a.m. Pacific Time, I do the personal coding section of Dr. Loyd’s Cutting Edge. “All Lies Matter”, international call .
I am also the Dept. Head of his personal coach training program and I also support his personal clients once they graduate from his Lt3/Emology program.
I am continuing and will continue to work personally with clients on a daily basis as this has become one of my greatest passions–changing the world one heart at a time.
I presently live in Southern California with my husband. We have 10 children (yes, I gave birth to all 10) and 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren and another great grandchild on the way.
If you would like to contact me please fill out the form below and I will be in touch with you shortly. Or if you prefer to call, my number is 661-433-0690 – I am in the Pacific Time Zone.
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- JPWant to say something to you from my heart THANK YOU really thanks. thank you I was really flowing around in my mad mind sometimes I got out of reality and the code you gave me about a month and a half recovered me and I guess healed some part of my brain. as you may know, I got some problems with drugs and my brain was damaged. I was so desperate and I don't know how and why but your code helped a lot! thanks for your kind work!
- LKThank you very much for the last session. It was liberating and even touching, I must say…. I don’t know much about your life or your work, however, one thing I can for sure is that you are touching someone’s life very deeply. Then bring the light into the person’s life….. Think that would be what you do at min! :)) So thank you very much. That is how I felt and I am so thankful.
- Sheo MauritiusI have over the past weeks had two phone sessions with JoHanna Chan. I was impressed with the way she was able to guide me to my core issues and design custom codes to heal them. I have had amazing shifts and been very pleased with the results. I heartily recommended her.
- ColeenIn my day one, July 9, 2016, morning meditation with personal code from JoHanna, given on July 8, 2016, I drove to each of my sisters' houses to see what I felt, if there was any unforgiveness on my part and to give them God’s love and light in their lives. There was no activity at any of the houses. I felt sadness and rejection but was able to see that this was like a divorce for a kid. I didn’t ask for this separation nor was it my fault. (more…)
- Happy Healing Codes UserI think the main reason for why I wasn’t seeing noticeable results when doing the Healing Codes myself, is because there was one thing that was missing. Love. I think you love your clients. I think you really love them. I didn’t have that toward myself, and I was resistant to God so blocked off His love too. Even though I didn’t consciously notice it during our first few calls, I’ve now come to believe that the love coming through you is what finally helped me heal. (more…)
- AnnJust wanted to touch base and let you know that I was struggling with some issues today, but was able to apply the HC’s and had a big release of emotion and feel much better. Thanks for your help!
- PiliI love it!!! Thank you SO much. It couldn’t be more perfect. I really appreciate you doing the longer codes, it’s wonderful. I’ve just done them now. I often get a tingling in my hands – I can feel the energy move between my hands – sometimes it moves in response to the Mozart that I often use, or my breathing, or if I make any movement – my hands were really tingling just now, doing your codes.
- AgathaPolish girl living in SlovakiaI’m 35. A year ago I was losing fight with my disease– Multiple sclerosis. For the last 15 years I was trying to live a normal life. I got married, gave birth to three children. I thought I was happy but I was very stressed and scared of the future since I felt the disease is developing. Whole year before last Christmas I couldn’t manage my fear. I was scared of doctors of drugs and everything that could happen to me. When it got really bad physically with my body, I finally got to the hospital. (more…)
- There are no words to convey my appreciation of you and the changes in my life that the Healing Codes sessions have made in my life. Every day when I sit with the Lord to do the recorded code you send, His Presence overwhelms me. I know He is profoundly touching and healing me. There’s still more to heal but already I am living again! And that feels so good! Hallelujah! (more…)
- HulaliJOHANNA IS MOST WONDERFUL AND AMAZING !!! I have been doing healing codes for four years now. Most of those years were with the PRECIOUS ,ENLIGHTENED JOHANNA . I am deeply grateful for Dr. Loyd and the healing codes. I started with the book in the last year of my mother’s life. (more…)
- MistyJohanna has helped me steer my ship out of troubled waters on many occasions and every single time it has worked. That is not an exaggeration. Every single time that we have a session, she patiently listens to me describe what I have identified as an issue. She tests it. Often times, and I don’t know what this is, I assume it is a subtle energy confirmation, I can actually feel it when she selects a code. I feel some sort of a release or like an energetic leaping inside. (more…)
- Margaret AnnI was on the Healing Codes Call on December 31, 2014. I thought that would be a great way to tie up the old year and start the new year with healing and hope! I find these sessions very interesting and relaxing. At first, nothing seems to “happen”. Then I realize that the heaviness of experiences in the recent and long past is lifting. (more…)
- Rich P.On our last call you asked me to be aware of any changes that I am experiencing due to the work we have been doing, and I am happy to say that I have noticed a dramatic improvement. Last week, while at a training event for our company, I was asked to speak at the last minute. I took the microphone and began speaking and was shocked at the clarity of what I was saying and the absolute ease at which the words were coming to me. (more…)
- Annet HuyperI choose Johanna because I listened to her at The Cutting Edge. I found her a loving laser in her diagnosis and very professional. There was a warm relationship between her in California and me in Holland. The sessions were the introduction to my training as healing code practitioner. (more…)
- Annika ConstantinIt’s been almost exactly 2 and a half years today since JoHanna started working with me. I had found the Healing Codes a little bit prior to that when I had been given “The Healing Code” book by a friend. When I read the book, I couldn’t believe it! Something in my heart responded and just ‘knew’. I felt in my heart that if this is not the answer to my prayers, if this doesn’t help, nothing can. (more…)
- MistyJohanna is exceptionally patient! Memories don’t come to me very easily. They do for my husband and children, but for whatever reason, I have difficulties locating specific memories from my childhood. Johanna helped me anyway and found appropriate coding. I knew it was right because I could feel that response, mentioned earlier. As I do the codes, I feel a giant release. I feel the emotions being transformed and my heart swells with love.I have also participated in the custom group codes and have experienced tremendous healing. They seem to occur at the perfect times. The codes are powerful.
- Mary MuellerColumbia, MissouriMy young daughter was not always afraid of bugs. In fact, she used to enjoy handling pill bugs, even naming them as though they were pets! But as she grew older, my daughter inexplicably developed such a horror of all bugs that by the time she was ten years old she was becoming incapacitated by this fear to the point that she was afraid to go outside. If even a tiny gnat or a house fly flew near her she would become hysterical. (more…)
- BarbaraDear JoHanna……Last evening’s Healing Circle was awesome! I traced my fear issue back to about 3 years old and during the code other memories appeared as I grew older. It was like a trek up the mountain and touching each fear as it appeared with divine Love. I felt so free and joyful! I did the Code several times today before my meeting as fear and rejection and judgment tried to enter my consciousness. By the time I arrived at my office to meet with my Broker, I felt a beautiful sense of freedom and love for the whole world! (more…)
- MistyJohanna gave me a code one week and I applied it to a misunderstanding that took place at work that I felt could not be mended. I went on vacation for a week. When I came back, the lady that had the misunderstanding pulled me aside and apologized and told me that suddenly she realized that she had been applying a reaction that she had had to a situation in her childhood to situations that happen in the present and that she wanted to change it. I nearly fell down. I knew that it was a direct result of healing induced by the custom code from Johanna. I had worked with the lady for 4 years and had not once witnessed her note any responsibility. I started to see new possibility in my interactions with others and how I perceive situations to be happening.
- GlendaAs I write this I am bubbling over with joy. For years I have struggled with various issues in my life, my weight and lack of discipline in eating being the major one. I’ve tried many healing modality’s, some gave me limited success, but frankly nothing touched my weight. After years of trying every new diet, losing weight only to quickly gain it back, I had given up. When I found The Healing Codes on the internet I was struck by the comment that all our issues were “heart issues”. (more…)
- TaylorRecently I have participated in two of her [Healing Code Circle sessions], and I am so grateful I did. In virtually every case I experienced something akin to Nirvana every time she implemented a Q code. I literally wept with joy several times (I actually thought I was going to have to mute the phone once). Since the second teleseminar ended a couple of weeks ago my formerly sluggish digestion has improved. (more…)
- Beth AnnFour of the 482 Reasons I Love JoHanna Chan and her Amazing Healing Circles Even before I participated in one of JoHanna’s Healing Circles, I was knocked out by her incredible ability to reverse the aging process. When I first met her in Nashville in October of 2009, she looked like she was in her late 30s-mid 40s. Now, here she was, just ten months later, with a new photo on her website. And she looked like she was in her 20s or early 30s…at most. Not only that, she looked even softer and sweeter and more peaceful than she did before. I suspected she wasn’t the Botox/nip/tuck type, but I had to check. She didn’t go for any that stuff, she gracefully told me, volunteering that she did color her hair to cover a few grays and to restore its original shade. (more…)
- TheresaIntuitively, I knew that I needed to get the Healing Codes program and start implementing it as soon as I saw the information about it. When we purchased the program it was just after I received the diagnosis of cancer. My package came with eight personal coaching sessions. I am so glad I never knew about the other packages available. The manual and DVDs are great and anyone can use them and get good results. The benefit to me of having a coach, and especially JoHanna, was that the codes were really tailored for my specific need at the time. (more…)
- ZofeaThe codes truly help with relationships. Very awesome!” and “I am forever grateful for you helping in the liberation of my daughter’s life. I got my daughter back. She is working hard and is doing well. A manager…much better than I am doing LOL!
- RichardMy one on one Coaching sessions with JoHanna has been fantastic. JoHanna is extremely intuitive and the Codes she has prescribed for me are ‘right on the money’. My level of peace/Serenity is as high or higher now than it has ever been and I attribute much of this to JoHanna’s Coaching.
- Happy Healing Codes UserMy husband and I have had the pleasure of working with JoHanna as our personal Healing Codes coach for a year. In that time we both felt very comfortable, safe and supported while working with her. She has a very wonderful, soothing and caring manner, plus she is very adept in her work as a Healing Codes coach. We could not have asked for a better experience and we feel that we were matched with exactly the right person to work with us!
- DawnHope you’re well. I wanted to give you a status report since you gave me those custom codes a couple weeks ago. I am getting some relief from the panic attacks. I discovered a physical issue going on with a parasite infection, which I’m prone to get because I have a very sensitive digestive system. Since addressing that issue with my diet combined with the codes, I have slowly been recovering back to where I was when we first started. I still get a somewhat panicky at times, but I’m confident that it will totally go away in the not so distant future. (more…)
- MistyMy husband did not have a job for over 12 of the 13 years that we had been married. This is going to sound miraculous, and it is, but, even though he was not actively looking, he got a job that was perfect for him and his personality type, in two weeks. I know that sounds extreme and too good to be true, but it happened. He has had the job for 1 year and 9 months now. He agrees that it is miraculous.
- EllieA friend shared with me the release of The Healing Code. After reading it three times, I started doing The Universal Code and took the Heart Issues Finder. Both were helpful but I felt that I needed more. I really didn’t know where to start until my friend told me about JoHanna’s website. I sent JoHanna an email and signed up for four coaching sessions. During my first coaching session, I asked about depression that was almost immobilizing despite my having every reason in the world to be happy–I had just married my perfect match and soul mate. (more…)
- GlendaBefore I found The Healing Code I thought I would have to suffer forever with my inability to trust men. I always felt the need to protect myself instead of really being vulnerable and letting someone in. I have pushed so many away in fear of getting hurt and in turn have felt hurt most my adult life. (more…)
- RandyWhen doing the codes tonight, the ‘healing response’ you identified for me was much more intense than when doing it alone. I did not experience any change in my condition, but that’s OK. I did get a very warm feeling throughout my body when doing the codes. (more…)
- KevinDublin, IrelandJoHanna, from the bottom of the heart, I want to sincerely thank you for all your help with the healing codes over the last couple of months. As a result of you advice and the codes, I feel really grounded and calm every single day and I look forward to the future including any challenges it may bring as I know I’m more than capable now of handling absolutely anything in my personal and professional life. As you already know, I felt very anxious about my business and especially about finance in my business and this has completed disappeared. As a result of the changes in my belief systems through the healing codes, I’m now attracting new business opportunities, which are already making a big difference for me. I know the future is bright and I will continue to attract great abundance into my life. Johanna, thanks again for your wonderful understanding and for always being there for me. Kind regards, Kevin, Dublin, Ireland
- EllieLast Friday, I was doing my codes and Mr. Kitts came by and swatted me. He wouldn’t leave me alone. I picked him up, put him in the other room and shut the door. I then did his code praying that his healing response be minimized. He came out of the room and was as happy as he could be. He hasn’t swatted me once or bit me for doing my codes again. This was an immediate success!!!!!!!!! Love & light, Ellie