Mary Mueller

Mary Mueller
January 2, 2018 Creative Bytes

My young daughter was not always afraid of bugs. In fact, she used to enjoy handling pill bugs, even naming them as though they were pets! But as she grew older, my daughter inexplicably developed such a horror of all bugs that by the time she was ten years old she was becoming incapacitated by this fear to the point that she was afraid to go outside. If even a tiny gnat or a house fly flew near her she would become hysterical.

I contacted JoHanna to get a Custom Code for my daughter to help her with this fear of bugs. I did the Custom Code for my daughter at least once a day for two weeks, releasing the full benefit of the Custom Code to her. Within just a few weeks of my doing the “fear of bugs” Custom Code for my daughter, my daughter’s fear of bugs diminished to such an extent that she would mindlessly smack any gnats with her bare hands as she continued reading her book and even plucked a giant beetle from her leg without complaint, carelessly tossing it to the ground without a word (had even a tiny beetle climbed onto her leg prior to that Custom Code, she would have been rendered inconsolable in a fetal position). When I recently remarked on how far she has come regarding her now-eliminated fear of bugs, my daughter seemed to have almost no memory of how incapacitating her fear of bugs was prior to my doing the Custom Code for her!

Thank you, JoHanna!