Custom Guided Streaming Codes Three Sessions
Custom Guided Streaming Codes Three Sessions
The quick and easy way to get the results you desire
Experience how to move forward eliminating the stress and blocks in 8 minutes or less as I guide you in these codes. The Healing Codes are customized personally for you and the issues you choose to address and I incorporate both the Healing Codes I and Healing Codes II positions.
These are the easiest and most effective way to experience the Healing Codes.
In these personal custom guided code sessions, we will:
- Determine what issue or issues to address with the codes each time.
- Test for early memories, known or unknown that may be blocking or may be the source of the problem or block.
- Record a Custom Guided Code for you to simply play and follow along.
- A Custom “ Code to Go” to Use as an Alternative as Well.
- Healing Code I and Healing Codes II Hand Positions Guide
- 20-45 Minutes Sessions